When we moved into our house a few years ago, we noticed that the previous owners left a few house-hold items behind. Mostly left over tiles from some of the renovations that had been done to the house. But they also left things that look like they were intended for a bathroom renovation. And even though we have renovated the first floor bathroom which was in dyer need of an update, the fixtures which were left by the previous owner just do not match the fixtures we finally decided to use for that bathroom. So with an extra 3-bulb light fixture at my disposal, I decided to turn it into a candle holder.
Since it would no longer be a light fixture, I had to first remove the light wiring. Next, I painted the whole thing black. But I was not completed in love with the color effect so I added some brown (rust) coloring over the entire fixture.
I added one more light/transparent coat of black. This gave the fixture a dusty matte finish. And finally, I sealed the paint with a thick coat of modge podge to give it more of a shine.
I added 3 glass candles which I intend on reusing the glasses in this candle holder when the candles burn out. And here is the finished product.
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